The evolution of the Pacific-Asia Biodiversity Transect Network (PABITRA) in the Pacific Science Association
Mueller-Dombois, D.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Mueller-Dombois 2008 |
1_mueller-dombois.pdf (1.15 MB)
1.15 MB |
Miller, R.H.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Intro 2002 |
01-suppl_7_1-2_intro.pdf (6.53 KB)
6.53 KB |
Continuity and Crisis in the Reef Community
Stoddart, D.R.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Stoddart 1976 |
632.99 KB |
The University of Guam Herbarium: The First 50 Years
Kerr. A.M., T. Schils & C.L. Raulerson.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Kerr Et Al, 2015 |
kerretal2015final.pdf (1.75 MB)
1.75 MB |
Preface: Invasive Species and Their Management
Muniappan, R.
(This is the first paragraph. There is no abstract.)
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Muniappan 2002 |
01-preface_1-2.pdf (7 KB)
7 KB |
Is There Such a Thing as Amphidromy?
McDowall, R.M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
McDowall1997 |
1_-_mcdowellocr.pdf (676 KB)
676 KB |
Lobban, C.S.
(This is the first paragraph. There is no abstract.)
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Lobban 1990 |
supp02-01ed.pdf (29.88 KB)
29.88 KB |
Role of Benthic Algae in the Coral Reef Ecosystem: Introductory Remarks
Tsuda, R.T.
(This is the first paragraph. There is no abstract.)
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Tsuda 1976 |
46.68 KB |
Early Life History of the Arrow Goby, Clevelandia ios (Jordan & Gilbert) , Gobiidae
Kent, D.I. & J.B. Marliave.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Kent1997 |
2_-_kentocr.pdf (459.67 KB)
459.67 KB |
Agricultural Research Institutions in the Tropical Insular Pacific
Brown, J.W.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Brown 2003 |
02-suppl_7_3-11_brown.pdf (22.57 KB)
22.57 KB |
Forests of Palau: a long-term perspective
Kitalong, A.H.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Kitalong 2008 |
2_kitalong.pdf (582.77 KB)
582.77 KB |
Hunter-Anderson, R.L.
(This is the first paragraph. There is no abstract.)
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Hunter-Anderson 1990 |
supp02-02ed.pdf (58.49 KB)
58.49 KB |
Micronesian Archaeological Conference Resolutions
Hunter-Anderson, R.L.
Resolved: that linguistic research should be fostered and efforts made to stimulate linguistic interest in this region.
(This is the first paragraph. There is no abstract.)
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Resolutions 1990 |
supp02-03ed.pdf (78.79 KB)
78.79 KB |
Energetic Role of Algae in Reef Ecosystems
Marsh, Jr. J.A.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Marsh 1976 |
640.54 KB |
The PEOPLE Project: Resource Library for Extension Programs in the Tropics
McConnell, J., R. Barber & M. Denney.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
McConnell, Barber & Denney 2003 |
03-suppl_7_13-15mcconnell.pdf (8.99 KB)
8.99 KB |
Variation in Age-at-Recruitment Can Drive Recruitment Dynamics: the Example of Sicydium spp. (Pisces: Gobiidae) in Dominica, West Indies
Bell, K.N.I., J.A. Brown & P. Pepin.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Bell1997 |
3_-_bellocr.pdf (50.31 KB)
50.31 KB |
Atolls – the “biodiversity cool spots” vs hot spots: a critical new focus for research and conservation
Thaman, R.R.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Thaman 2008 |
3_thaman.pdf (315.17 KB)
315.17 KB |
Exotic Pests of Plants: Current and Future Threats to Horticultural Production and Trade in Florida and the Caribbean Basin
Klassen, W., C.F. Brodel & D.A. Fieselmann.
The United States has relied on inspection of arriving cargo and passengers at the port of entry as one of the main approaches to exclusion of exotic pests. Since volumes of arriving cargo are doubling every six years , this approach is no longer adequate. Thus the National Plant Board asserted that the U.S. safeguarding system should shift primary reliance from port-of-entry inspection to off-shore actions, including risk mitigation in production areas, certification of pest-free status at point of origin and pre-clearance at the port of export. Off-shore risk can be mitigated by area-wide biologically-based suppression, creation of pest-free production areas and inspection, treatment (if necessary) and certification at the port of export. Most compelling for Florida would be the regionalization of pest exclusion programs throughout the Caribbean Basin, because a dangerous organism that establishes in one of the countries quickly endangers the entire Basin.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Klassen, Brodel & Fieselmann 2002 |
03-klassen_5-27.pdf (270.16 KB)
270.16 KB |
Influence of Transmigration on Sustainable Agriculture in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
Saragih, H., H. Okuhira & S. Yoshida.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Saragih, Okuhira & Yoshida 2003 |
04-suppl_7_17-40_saragih.pdf (213.47 KB)
213.47 KB |
Nitrogen Cycle on a Coral Reef
Wiebe, W.J.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Wiebe 1976 |
274.31 KB |
Evolution and Life History Patterns in Freshwater Gobies
Kinzie III, R.A.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Kinzie1997 |
4_-_kinzieocr.pdf (785.93 KB)
785.93 KB |
Microscopic Aliens Threatening the Pacific Region
Wall, G.C.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Wall 2002 |
04-wall_29-33.pdf (14.82 KB)
14.82 KB |
Coming from Where? An Introduction to Recent Advances in Micronesian Archaeology
Hunter-Anderson, R.L & M.W. Graves.
(This is the first paragraph. There is no abstract.)
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Hunter-Anderson & Graves 1990 |
supp02-04ed.pdf (385.7 KB)
385.7 KB |
Directions for long-term research in traditional agricultural systems of Micronesia and the Pacific Islands
Manner, H.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Manner 2008 |
4_manner.pdf (241.11 KB)
241.11 KB |
Molecular Genetic Research on Terrestrial Plants and Animals in Micronesia over the Previous 60 Years
Lofdahl, K.L..
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Lofdahl 2014 |
lofdahll2014.pdf (170.72 KB)
170.72 KB |
Nan Madol Pottery, Pohnpei
Athens, J.S.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Athens 1990 |
supp02-05ed.pdf (1.39 MB)
1.39 MB |
Calcification and its Role among the Macroalgae
Littler, M.M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Littler 1976 |
1.29 MB |
Impact of the black twig borer, an introduced insect pest, on Acacia koa in the Hawaiian Islands
Daehler, C.C. & N. Dudley.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Daehler & Dudley 2002 |
05-daeler_35-53.pdf (180.31 KB)
180.31 KB |
Recruitment of Goby Postlarvae into Hakalau Stream, Hawai'i Island
Nishimoto, R.T. & D.G.K. Kuamo'o.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Nishimoto1997 |
5_-_nishimotoocr.pdf (423.86 KB)
423.86 KB |
Concept Test of Value-added Root Crops
Naholowaa, L.Q., M. Marutani & M.K. Wayte.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Naholowaa, Marutani & Wayte 2003 |
05-suppl_7_41-53naholowaa.pdf (56.08 KB)
56.08 KB |
Long-term ecological research and field methods for stream use decisions among oceanic islands of the tropical Pacific
Fitzsimons, J.M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Fitzsimons 2008 |
5_fitzsimons.pdf (1.46 MB)
1.46 MB |
Four decades of macroalgal stasis and change on an urban coral reef
Kinzie, R.A.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Kinzie 2008 |
6_kinzie.pdf (1.16 MB)
1.16 MB |
Pots As Tools: The Marianas Case
Butler, B.M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Butler 1990 |
supp02-06ed.pdf (593.86 KB)
593.86 KB |
Generation of Photosynthetic Surface Area by Coral Reef Algae
Dahl, A.L.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Dahl 1976 |
296.69 KB |
The Role of Behavioral Interactions of Immature Hawaiian Stream Fishes (Pisces: Gobiodei) in Population Dispersal and Distribution
Tate, D.C.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
6_-_tateocr.pdf (1.03 MB)
1.03 MB |
Aquaculture Potential in Fiji and Other Pacific Island Countries
Prasad, R.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Prasad2003 |
06-suppl_7_55-67prasad.pdf (32.92 KB)
32.92 KB |
Conservation of Local Genotypes When Planting Native Plants on Guam
Marler, T.E.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Marler 2002 |
06-marler_55-60.pdf (18.62 KB)
18.62 KB |
Establishment of long-term vegetation monitoring plots in lowland and upland tropical rainforest, Fiji Islands
Tuiwawa, M., T. Osborne, K. Bio & F. Tuiwawa.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Tuiwawa 2008 |
7_tuiwawa.pdf (327.1 KB)
327.1 KB |
Lime-Encrusted Shell Artifacts and the Prehistoric Use of Slaked Lime
Carucci, J. & S. Mitchell.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Carucci & Mitchell 1990 |
supp02-07ed.pdf (1.55 MB)
1.55 MB |
Tropical Macroalgae as Pollution Indicator Organisms
Thorhaug, A.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Thorhaug 1976 |
1.08 MB |
Invasive/Weedy Angiosperms in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia
Josekutty, P.C., E.E. Wakuk & M.J. Joseph.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Josekutty, Wakuk & Joseph 2002 |
07-josekutty61-65.pdf (18.24 KB)
18.24 KB |
Nitrogen Fixing Trees Suitable for Diversified Soils on Guam
Sablan, P. & M. Marutani.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Sablan & Marutani 2003 |
07-suppl_7_69-75sablan.pdf (72.86 KB)
72.86 KB |
Food Webs and Feeding Dynamics of Coexisting Native Hawaiian Stream Gobies
Kido, M.H.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Kido1997 |
7_-_kidoocr.pdf (645.4 KB)
645.4 KB |
Herpetofauna and bat monitoring at three Fiji sites in the Pacific-Asia Biodiversity Transect (PABITRA)
Morrison, C. & A. Naikatini.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Morrison & Naikatini 2008 |
8_morrison.pdf (251.76 KB)
251.76 KB |
Spread of Freshwater Pomacea Snails (Pilidae, Mollusca) from Argentina to Asia
Mochida, O.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Mochida 1991 |
sup03-08ed.pdf (1.49 MB)
1.49 MB |
Application of Phytolith Analysis to Reconstruction of Past Environments and Subsistence: Recent Research in the Pacific
Pearsall, D.M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Pearsall 1990 |
supp02-08ed.pdf (642.22 KB)
642.22 KB |
Animal Associates on Coral Reefs: Introductory Remarks
Hadfield, M.G.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Hadfield 1976 |
94.75 KB |
Alien Invasive Insect and Mite Pests and Weeds in India and Their Management
Viraktamath, C.A.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Viraktamath 2002 |
08-virak67-83.pdf (58.32 KB)
58.32 KB |
Micropropagation of four Banana Cultivars in Micronesia
Josekutty, P.C., S.S. Cornelius & T.N. Kilafwasru.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Josekutty, Cornelius & Kilafwasru 2003 |
08-suppl_7_77-81josekutty.pdf (15.13 KB)
15.13 KB |
Distributions and Microhabitats of the Amphidromous Gobies in Streams of Micronesia
Nelson, S.G., J.E. Parham, R.B. Tibbatts, F.A. Camacho, T. Leberer & B.D. Smith.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Nelson1997 |
8_-_nelsonocr.pdf (457.82 KB)
457.82 KB |
Brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis) on Guam: a Worst Case Scenario of an Introduced Predator
McCoid, M.J.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
McCoid 1991 |
sup03-09ed.pdf (350.15 KB)
350.15 KB |
Diversity Trends in Coral-Inhabiting Barnacles (Cirripedia, Pyrgomatinae)
Newman, W.A., P.A. Jumars, & A. Ross.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Newman, Jumars, & Ross 1976 |
933.65 KB |
Principles of Organization in the Outer Islands of Yap State and their Implications for Archaeology
Alkire, W.H. & K. Fujimura.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Alkire & Fujimura |
supp02-09ed.pdf (676.58 KB)
676.58 KB |
Sunnhemp, a Green Manure on Chinese Cabbage Production on Guam
Marutani, M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Marutani 2003 |
09-suppl_7_83-91marutani.pdf (65.67 KB)
65.67 KB |
Invasive Plants and Their Control in Micronesia
Muniappan, R., J. Cruz & J. Bamba.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Muniappan, Cruz & Bamba 2002 |
09-muniappan85-92.pdf (26.49 KB)
26.49 KB |
Metamorphosis in the Cranium of Postlarval Sicyopterus stimpsoni, an Endemic Hawaiian Stream Goby
Schoenfuss, H.L., T.A. Blanchard & D.G.K. Kuamo'o.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Schoenfuss1997 |
9_-_schoenfussocr.pdf (621.94 KB)
621.94 KB |
Improbable Colonists: Helminth Parasites of Freshwater Fishes on an Oceanic Island
Font, W.F.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Font1997 |
10_-_fontocr.pdf (625.96 KB)
625.96 KB |
The Distribution and Biological Control of Lantana camara in Micronesia
Denton, G.R.W., R. Muniappan & M. Marutani.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Denton et al 1991 |
sup03-10ed.pdf (907.26 KB)
907.26 KB |
Coral Reef Caridea and "Commensalism"
Bruce, A.J.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Bruce 1976 |
1.16 MB |
Getting to the Truth of the Matter: Prospects and Limitations of Oral Traditions for Archaeological Interpretation in Pohnpei, Micronesia
Falgout, S.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Falgout 1990 |
supp02-10ed.pdf (482.94 KB)
482.94 KB |
Plant Pest Control in Hawai‘i
Nakahara, L.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Nakahara 2002 |
10-nakahara93-103.pdf (36.97 KB)
36.97 KB |
Cultivar Evaluation of Vegetable Soybean on Guam
Marutani, M. & R. Schlub.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Marutani & Schlub 2003 |
10-suppl_7_93-100marutani.pdf (21.19 KB)
21.19 KB |
Improving Plant Protection for the Development of Sustainable Agriculture in Taiwan
Lin, C.Y.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Lin 2003 |
11-suppl_7_101-112lin.pdf (32.26 KB)
32.26 KB |
Pests of Coconut and Their Natural Enemies in Micronesia
Muniappan, R.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Muniappan 2002 |
11-muniappan105-110.pdf (21.18 KB)
21.18 KB |
Significance of Unimpeded Flows in Limiting the Transmission of Parasites from Exotics to Hawaiian Stream Fishes
Fitzsimons, J.M., H.L. Schoenfuss, T.C. Schoenfuss.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Fitzsimons1997 |
11_-_fitzsimmonsocr.pdf (472.2 KB)
472.2 KB |
Symposium on the Biology and Ecology of the Crown-of-Thorns Starfish, Acanthaster planci (L.): Introductory Remarks
Yamaguchi, M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Yamaguchi 1973 |
713.52 KB |
Rapport sur la Conservation de la Nature aux iles Galapagos Etabli pour le IBP/CT
Dorst, J.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Dorst 1969 |
170.29 KB |
Biological Control: Mutual Advantages of Interaction Between Australia and the Oceanic Pacific
Waterhouse, D.F.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Waterhouse 1991 |
sup03-11ed.pdf (333.79 KB)
333.79 KB |
"The Pleasure of Speculation and Conjecture:" Early Euro-American Visions of Nan Madol and their Relevance to Post-Modern Archaeological Investigations
Hanlon, D.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Hanlon 1990 |
supp02-11ed.pdf (961.29 KB)
961.29 KB |
Brachyuran Crabs Symbiotic with Scleractinian Corals: A Review of their Biology
Castro, J.S.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Castro 1976 |
2.25 MB |
Tropical Epizoic Echinoderms and their Distribution
Clark, A.M.
(This is the first paragraph. There is no abstract.)
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Clark 1976 |
2.53 MB |
Preventing Alien Species Invasion by Pre-shipment Disinfestation Treatments
Hara, A.H.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Hara 2002 |
12-hara111-121.pdf (39.16 KB)
39.16 KB |
Probit Analysis of Pesticide Toxicity to Aphids on Guam
Miller, R.H.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Miller 2003 |
12-suppl_7_113-123miller.pdf (29.44 KB)
29.44 KB |
Social Complexity on Truk and in the Marianas: Lack of Correspondence Between Anthropological Models and Historical Evidence
Knudson, K.E.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Knudson 1990 |
supp02-12ed.pdf (276.61 KB)
276.61 KB |
Population Levels of Acanthaster planci in the Mariana and Caroline Islands, 1969-1972
Marsh, Jr. J.A. & R.T. Tsuda.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Marsh & Tsuda 1973 |
298.49 KB |
Conservation Problems in the Galapagos Islands
Perry, R.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Perry 1969 |
448.76 KB |
Banana Skipper, Erionota thrax (L.) (Lepidoptera:Hesperiidae) in Papua New Guinea: a New Pest in the South Pacific Region
Sands, D.P.A., M.C. Sands & M. Arura.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Sands et al 1991 |
sup03-12ed.pdf (549.15 KB)
549.15 KB |
Distribution and Control of Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae)
Muniappan, R. & M. Marutani.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Muniappan & Marutani 1991 |
sup03-13ed.pdf (225.85 KB)
225.85 KB |
International Conventions, National Policy and Legislative Responsibility for Alien Invasive Species in the Pacific Islands
Ikin, R.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Ikin 2002 |
13-ikin123-128.pdf (16.7 KB)
16.7 KB |
Terraces and Traditions of Uluang: Ethnographic and Archaeological Perspectives on a Prehistoric Belauan Site
Lucking, L.J. & R.J. Parmentier.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Lucking & Parmientier 1990 |
supp02-13ed.pdf (977.07 KB)
977.07 KB |
Biological Control of Insect and Plant Pests in the Marshall Islands
Nandwani, D. & J. Joseph.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Nandwani & Joseph 2003 |
13-suppl_7_125-132nandwani.pdf (18.91 KB)
18.91 KB |
Acanthaster Population Levels and Control Efforts on Ponape, Eastern Caroline Islands
Wass, R.C.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Wass 1973 |
1.24 MB |
Initial Site Studies for the International Program in the Tropical and Far Western Pacific
Doty, M.S., F.R. Fosberg, & D. Mueller-Dombois.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Doty, Fosberg, & Mueller-Dombois 1969 |
787.08 KB |
Occurrence of the Giant African Snail in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Japan
Takeuchi, K., S. Koyano & K. Numazawa.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Takeuchi et al 1991 |
sup03-14ed.pdf (866.67 KB)
866.67 KB |
Strategies for Managing Incursions of Exotic Animals to New Zealand
Pascoe, A.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Pascoe 2002 |
14-pascoe129-135.pdf (22.39 KB)
22.39 KB |
Edible and Non-Edible Value-Added Products Developed from Sweet Potato
Bonsi, E. & E. Bromfield.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Bonsi & Bromfield 2003 |
14-suppl_7_133bonsi.pdf (4.78 KB)
4.78 KB |
Molluscs Associated with Living Tropical Corals
Hadfield, M.G.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Hadfield 1976 |
5.42 MB |
Some Overlooked Complexities in the Study of Pohnpei Social Complexity
Petersen, G.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Petersen 1990 |
supp02-14ed.pdf (731.72 KB)
731.72 KB |
An Analysis of the Acanthaster Control Programs in Guam and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Cheney, D.P.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Cheney 1973 |
3.56 MB |
Description of a Bridled White-eye Nest from Rota, Mariana Islands
Lusk, M.R. & E. Taisacan.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Lusk1997 |
14_-_luskocr.pdf (152.32 KB)
152.32 KB |
Ecological Background and Conservation of Japanese Islands
Numata, M.
(This is the first paragraph. There is no abstract.)
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Numata 1969 |
579.58 KB |
Possibilities for the Biological Control of the Breadfruit Mealybug, lcerya aegptiaca, on Pacific Atolls
Waterhouse, D.F.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Waterhouse 1991 |
sup03-15ed.pdf (363.37 KB)
363.37 KB |
Role of the NRCS in Promoting Sustainable Agriculture in the Pacific Basin
Bartholomew, R.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Bartholomew 2003 |
15-suppl_7_135bart.pdf (3.86 KB)
3.86 KB |
The Need for Faunistic Information on Pacific Coral Reefs: Introductory Remarks
Eldredge, L.G.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Eldredge 1976 |
370.16 KB |
An Ethno-Archaeological Investigation of Yapese Mortuary Behavior
Pickering, R.B.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Pickering 1990 |
supp02-15ed.pdf (946.52 KB)
946.52 KB |
Status of Acanthaster planci in Indonesian Waters
Soegiarto, A.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Soegiarto 1973 |
228.76 KB |
End-Plate Spicules in Bohadschia marmorata (Jaeger) (Holothuroidea: Holothuriidae)
Clouse, R.M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Clouse1997 |
15_-_clouseocr.pdf (255.98 KB)
255.98 KB |
The Status of Conservation in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Owen, R.P.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Owen 1969 |
262.18 KB |
Cultural Methods of Pest Control on Taro (Colocasia esculenta Schott) in American Samoa
Fatuesi, S., P. Tauili'ili, F. Taotua & A. Vargo.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Fatuesi et al 1991 |
sup03-16ed.pdf (162.64 KB)
162.64 KB |
Some Problems in Reef Coral Taxonomy
Randall, R.H.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Randall 1976 |
3.68 MB |
Kosrae Pottery, Clay, and Early Settlement
Athens, J.S.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Athens 1990 |
supp02-16ed.pdf (1.25 MB)
1.25 MB |
Observations of Acanthaster Population around Sesoko Island, Okinawa
Nishihira, M. & K. Yamazato.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Nishihira & Yamazato 1973 |
246.31 KB |
Notes on Printzina bossei (de Wildeman) Thompson et Wujek (Trentepohliaceae, Chlorophyta) from Malaysia
Salleh, A. & P. Milow.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
16_-_sallehocr.pdf (288.09 KB)
288.09 KB |
Conservation of Coral Reefs
Yonge, C.M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Yonge 1969 |
246.09 KB |
Automated Identification of Insects in Flight
Moore, A.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Moore 1991 |
sup03-17ed.pdf (345.89 KB)
345.89 KB |
The Status of Faunistic Information on Tropical Reef Bryozoans
Soule, D.F & J.D. Soule.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Soule 1976 |
2.84 MB |
Reproduction of Acanthaster planci in Okinawa
Yamazato, K. & T. Kiyan.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Yamazato & Kiyan 1973 |
4.37 MB |
Pohnpei's Position in Eastern Micronesian Prehistory
Ayres, W.S.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Ayres 1990 |
supp02-17ed.pdf (2.53 MB)
2.53 MB |
The hawkfish Cirrhitichthys serratus Randall, a junior synonym of C.falco Randall
Randall, J.E.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Randall1997 |
17-_randallocr.pdf (249.79 KB)
249.79 KB |
The Coral Reef of Kikaijima, One of the Amami Islands, and the Problem of its Conservation
Kawaguti, S.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Kawaguti 1969 |
58.83 KB |
A Review of the Need for Work on Polychaete Systematics on Indo-Pacific Coral Reefs
Fauchald, K.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Fauchald 1976 |
3 MB |
Reproductive and Larval Biology of Acanthaster planci (L.) in Great Barrier Reef Waters
Lucas, J.S.
Mean oocyte diameter and abundance of spermatozoa varied with gonad index. Oogenesis was very rapid in November and December, and ovaries contained a single mode of mature oocytes in December. Oocytes and spermatozoa were shed during the short breeding season in mid-summer when water temperature was about 28°C and optimal for larval survival. There was no evidence of shedding at any other time, although at least a small proportion of starfish in all samples had some mature gametes.
Larvae were reared from hatching at five temperatures-24, 26, 28, 30, and 32°C, and at three salinities-30, 32.5, and 35%. Survival at day 8 was highest in the lowest salinity and at the medial temperature, 28°C. No larvae developed to brachiolaria at 24 or 32°C. Larval development and metamorphosis were completed at 28°C in a minimum of 17 days. Development was completed at 26%, but not at 22% salinity. Larval temperature requirements may limit the southern distribution of A . planci and the salinity responses of larvae will be important in northern Great Barrier Reef waters.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Lucas 1973 |
2.81 MB |
Radiocarbon Dating, Sea-Level Change and the Peopling of Belau
Masse, W.B.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Masse 1990 |
supp02-18ed.pdf (808.94 KB)
808.94 KB |
Effect of the Green Fluorescent Pigment on the Productivity of the Reef Corals
Kawaguti, S.
The green fluorescent pigment is found only in the ectodermal cells. It is most brilliant when the coral polyps are fully expanded and when they are exposed to bright sunshine. Under an electron microscope the pigment appears as various distributions of dense spherical bodies of 0.2 μ or less in diameter. It is easily dissolved in distilled water.
The pigment solution is green in reflected light but pink in transmitted light. Its absorption spectrum shows a strong absorption in the ultraviolet region with a sharp maximum at 330 mμ. Fluorescence spectroscopy indicates that the pigment emits green light (ranging 450-510 mμ) when it is activated by light of 380 mμ. The same phenomenon is observed also in the intact green coral.
This fact suggests that the harmful ultraviolet light is converted into light useful for the photosynthesis of zooxanthellae in the endoderm.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Kawaguti 1969 |
41.24 KB |
Amphipoda (Crustacea) from the Indo-Pacific Tropics: A Review
Barnard, J.L.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Barnard 1976 |
5.06 MB |
Massive Aggregation and Migration of Acanthaster: Behavioral Responses to Severe Food Limitation
Dana, T.F. & W.A. Newman.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Dana & Newman 1973 |
282.85 KB |
Archaeological Investigations on Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, Micronesia
Shun, K. & J.S. Athens.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Shun & Athens 1990 |
supp02-19ed.pdf (779.29 KB)
779.29 KB |
Burying behavior in an Indo-Pacific sea cucumber, Bohadschia marmorata Jaeger (Holothuroidea): a circadian, not circatidal, rhythm
Clouse, R.M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Clouse1997 |
2_-_clouseocr.pdf (637.27 KB)
637.27 KB |
Decapod Crustacea of Pacific Coral Reefs
Haig, J.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Haig 1976 |
1.13 MB |
Recruitment of Coral Reef Asteroids, with Emphasis on Acanthaster planci (L.)
Yamaguchi, M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Yamaguchi 1973 |
2.41 MB |
Thoughts on Land and Sea Peoples in Southeast Asia and Their Possible Relationships To Initial Settlement of Micronesia
Solheim, W.G II.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Solheim 1990 |
supp02-20ed.pdf (282.03 KB)
282.03 KB |
Aspects of Pacific Coral Reefs
Wells, J.W.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Wells 1969 |
395.95 KB |
Distribution of Corals After Acanthaster planci (L.) Infestation at Tanguisson Point, Guam
Randall, R.H.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Randall 1973 |
3.32 MB |
Prehistoric Use of the Interior of Southern Guam
Dye, T. & P.L. Cleghorn.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Dye & Cleghorn 1990 |
supp02-21ed.pdf (875.75 KB)
875.75 KB |
Post Pleistocene Urban Renewal in Coral Reefs
Goreau, T.F.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Goreau 1969 |
293.4 KB |
Review of Present Status of Knowledge of Pacific Echinoderms
Clark, A.M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Clark 1976 |
1.05 MB |
Recovery of Coral Reefs on the Great Barrier Reef Following Attack by Acanthaster
Pearson, R.G.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Pearson 1973 |
193.15 KB |
Prehistoric Settlement in Eastern Micronesia: Archaeology on Bikini Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands
Streck, C.F., Jr.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Streck 1990 |
supp02-22ed.pdf (786.15 KB)
786.15 KB |
lndo-Pacific Ascidian Studies
Eldredge, L.G.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Eldredge 1976 |
798.02 KB |
Biology of Hymenocera picta Dana
Wickler, W.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Wickler 1973 |
1.72 MB |
Prehistoric Social Complexity on Pohnpei: The Saudeleur to Nahnmwarki Transformation
Bath, J.E. & J.S. Athens.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Bath & Athens 1990 |
supp02-23ed.pdf (1.31 MB)
1.31 MB |
Sense of Smell and Pair-Bond in Hymenocera picta Dana
Seibt, U.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Seibt 1973 |
1.74 MB |
The Evolution of Complex Stratification in Eastern Micronesia
Peoples, J.G.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Peoples 1990 |
supp02-24ed.pdf (417.39 KB)
417.39 KB |
Growth Rate, Toxicity, and Distribution of the Encrusting Sponge Terpios sp. (Hadromerida: Suberitidae) in Guam, Mariana Islands
Bryan, P.G.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Bryan 1973 |
1.64 MB |
Formation of a Complex Society in an Island Situation
Ueki, T.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Ueki 1990 |
supp02-25ed.pdf (747.39 KB)
747.39 KB |
The Physical Anthropology of Micronesia: a Brief Overview
Pietrusewsky, M.
(This is the first paragraph. There is no abstract.)
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Pietrusewsky 1990 |
supp02-26ed.pdf (287.28 KB)
287.28 KB |
Micronesians, Asians, Thais and Relations: A Craniofacial and Odontometric Perspective
Brace, M.L., Y. Dodo, K.D. Hunt, W.R. Leonard, L. Yongyi, S. Sangvichien, S. Xiang-qing & Z. Zhenbiao.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Brace et al 1990 |
supp02-27ed.pdf (1.6 MB)
1.6 MB |
Paleopathological Observations on Human Skeletal Remains from Rota, Mariana Islands: Epidemiological Implications
Hanson, D.B.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Hanson 1990 |
supp02-28ed.pdf (879.46 KB)
879.46 KB |
Micronesia to Macromongolia: Micro-Polynesian Craniometrics And the Mongoloid Population Complex
Howells, W.W.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Howells 1990 |
supp02-29ed.pdf (422.45 KB)
422.45 KB |
Craniometric Variation in Micronesia and the Pacific: A Multivariate Study
Pietrusewsky, M.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Pietrusewsky 1990 |
supp02-30ed.pdf (1.62 MB)
1.62 MB |
Origin and Affinity of the People of Guam: A Dental Anthropological Assessment
Turner, C.G. II.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Turner 1990 |
supp02-31ed.pdf (785.27 KB)
785.27 KB |
Population Studies and Historical Demography: Context of Microevolution in Micronesia
Underwood, J.H.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Underwood 1990 |
supp02-32ed.pdf (626.61 KB)
626.61 KB |
Physical Anthropology in Micronesia: A Closing Statement
Underwood, J.H.
(This is the first paragraph. There is no abstract.)
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Underwood 1990 |
supp02-33ed.pdf (214.05 KB)
214.05 KB |