Volume 37


1. James, S.W. 2004. An illustrated key to the earthworms of the Samoan Archipelago (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae, Megascolecidae, Moniligastridae). Micronesica. 37(1): 1-13. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 April 2002.
2. Lofdahl, K.L. & C. Young. 2004. Allozyme Differentiation Correlated with Host-Plant Use in the Pantropical Species, Drosophila ananassae. Micronesica. 37(1): 15-20. Date Revised/Accepted: 12 June 2002.
3. Leblanc, L., J. William & A.J. Allwood. 2004. Host Fruit of Mango Fly (Bactrocera frauenfeldi (Schiner)) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the Federated States of Micronesia. Micronesica. 37(1): 21-31. Date Revised/Accepted: 25 June 2002.
4. Vice, D.S. & D.L. Vice. 2004. Prey items of migratory peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) and Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) on Guam. Micronesica. 37(1): 33-36. Date Revised/Accepted: 02 February 2003.
5. Miller, R.H. 2004. Developing Insecticide Management for Insnesia glabrascuta (Caldwell) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) on Young Ifit Trees on Guam. Micronesica. 37(1): 37-48. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 April 2003.
6. Bayless, M.K. 2004. The Local Names of Pacific Monitor Lizards (Sauria: Varanidae) of Oceania & Indo-Malaysia, excluding Australia. Micronesica. 37(1): 49-55. Date Revised/Accepted: 11 April 2003.
7. Muniappan, R., J. Bamba, J. Cruz & G.V.P Reddy. 2004. Field Response of Guam Populations of the New Guinea Sugarcane Weevil, Rhabdoscelus obscurus (Boisduval) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), to Aggregation Pheromones and Food Volatiles. Micronesica. 37(1): 57-68. Date Revised/Accepted: 16 April 2003.
8. Wiles, G.J., N.C. Johnson, J.B. de Cruz, G. Dutson, V.A. Camacho, A.K. Kepler, D.S. Vice, K.L. Garrett, C.C. Kessler & H.D. Pratt. 2004. New and Noteworthy Bird Records for Micronesia, 1986-2003. Micronesica. 37(1): 69-96. Date Revised/Accepted: 12 November 2003.
9. Kolinski, S.P., L.I. Ilo & J.M. Manglona. 2004. Green Turtles and Their Marine Habitats at Tinian and Aguijan, with Projections on Resident Turtle Demographics in the Southern Arc of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Micronesica. 37(1): 97-118. Date Revised/Accepted: 29 June 2003.
10. Bebler, M.H. & D.W. Foltz. 2004. Genetic Diversity in Hawaiian Stream Macroinvertebrates. Micronesica. 37(1): 119-128. Date Revised/Accepted: 15 July 2003.
11. Benbow, E.M., A.J. Burky & C.M. Way. 2004. Morphological characteristics and species separation of Hawaiian postlarval amphidromous fishes. Micronesica. 37(1): 129-144. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 January 2004.
12. Buden, D.W. 2004. The Odonata of Pakin, Ant, Mokil, and Pingelap Atolls, Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia. Micronesica. 37(1): 145-155. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 January 2004.
13. Marler, T.E. & J.H. Lawrence. 2004. Chemical Limitations of Yoga Root Growth in an Acid Soil. Micronesica. 37(1): 157-161. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 January 2004.
14. Wile, G.J. 2004. A Record of Perochirus cf. scutellatus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Ulithi Atoll, Caroline Islands. Micronesica. 37(1): 163-166. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 January 2004.
15. Englberger, L., G.C. Marks, M.H. Fitzgerald & K. Lippwe. 2005. Food Composition Data from the Federated States of Micronesia. Micronesica. 37(2): 195-213. Date Revised/Accepted: 06 August 2003.
16. Kawagata, S., M. Yamasaki, R. Genka & R.W. Jordan. 2005. Shallow-water benthic foraminifers from Mecherchar Jellyfish Lake (Ongerul Tketau Uet), Palau. Micronesica. 37(2): 215-233. Date Revised/Accepted: 27 April 2004.
17. Didonato, G.T. 2005. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in tropical Pacific insular streams: historical data from Tutuila, American Samoa. Micronesica. 37(2): 235-247. Date Revised/Accepted: 26 April 2004.
18. Coppard, S.E. & A.C. Campbell. 2005. Distribution and abundance of regular sea urchins on two coral reefs in Fiji. Micronesica. 37(2): 249-269. Date Revised/Accepted: 15 August 2004.
19. Matson, E.A. & A.S.E. Quenga. 2005. A Nitrogen Budget, Including the Occurrence and Activity of nitrogen fixers in nitrogen-rich and nitrogen-poor habitats of Guam, Mariana Islands. Micronesica. 37(2): 271-285. Date Revised/Accepted: 24 August 2004.
20. Kolinski, S.P., R.K. Hoeke, S.R. Holzwarth & P.S. Vroom. 2005. Sea Turtle Abundance at Isolated Reefs of the Mariana Archipelago. Micronesica. 37(2): 287-296. Date Revised/Accepted: 02 August 2004.
21. Velde, N.V. & B.V. Velde. 2005. Two Species of Mangrove Trees Previously Unrecorded in the Marshall Islands Found in Jaluit Atoll. Micronesica. 37(2): 297-308. Date Revised/Accepted: 02 August 2004.