Volume 41


1. Costion, C.M. 2009. New and Noteworthy Plant Records from Palau: An Annotated Checklist. Micronesica. 41(1): 1-18. Date Revised/Accepted: 02 May 2008.
2. Yang, J. & D. Lee. 2009. Lemon, pH and Citric Acid for Kelaguen Safety Without Temperature Control. Micronesica. 41(1): 19-31. Date Revised/Accepted: 30 May 2008.
3. Sasakawa, M. 2009. Insects of Micronesia, Volume 14, no. 9:  Diptera: Lauxaniidae. Micronesica. 41(1): 33-57. Date Revised/Accepted: 06 March 2008.
4. Olsen, A.R. & M. Eberdong. 2009. Species Richness and Other Noteworthy Observations at an Important Bird Area in Palau. Micronesica. 41(1): 59-69. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 July 2008.
5. Bamba, J.P., R.H. Miller, G.V.P. Reddy & R. Muniappan. 2009. Studies on the biology, host specificity, and feeding behavior of Acythopeus cocciniae O’Brien and Pakaluk (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt (Cucurbitaceae) and Zehneria guamensis (Merrill) Fosberg (Cucurbitaceae). Micronesica. 41(1): 71-82. Date Revised/Accepted: 15 May 2008.
6. Terry, I., M. Roe, W. Tang & T.E. Marler. 2009. Cone insects and putative pollen vectors of the endangered cycad, Cycas micronesica. Micronesica. 41(1): 83-99. Date Revised/Accepted: 27 April 2009.
7. Fautin, D.G. & R.H. Goodwill. 2009. Neoaiptasia morbilla new species (Cnidaria: Actiniaria), a sea anemone symbiont of sand-dwelling gastropods on Saipan, Mariana Islands, with comments on some other such associations. Micronesica. 41(1): 101-115. Date Revised/Accepted: 06 June 2009.
8. Goodwill, R.H., D.G. Fautin, J. Furey & M. Daly. 2009. A sea anemone symbiotic with gastropods of eight species in the Mariana Islands. Micronesica. 41(1): 117-130. Date Revised/Accepted: 06 June 2009.
9. Costion, C.M., A.H. Kitalong & T. Holm. 2009. Plant Endemism, Rarity, and Threat in Palau, Micronesia: A Geographical Checklist and Preliminary Red List Assessment. Micronesica. 41(1): 131-164. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 July 2009.
10. Wang, J.Y. 2009. Commentary. Micronesica. 41(1): 165-166. Date Revised/Accepted: 28 September 2009.
11. Yang, J., R. Gadi & T. Thomson. 2011. Antioxidant capacity, total phenols, and ascorbic acid content of noni (Morinda citrifolia) fruits and leaves at various stages of maturity. Micronesica. 2: 167-176. Date Revised/Accepted: 16 September 2009.
12. Conroy, N.K., A. Fares, K.C. Ewel, T. Miura & H.M. Zaleski. 2011. A snapshot of agroforestry in Terminalia carolinensis wetlands in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia. Micronesica. 41(2): 177-195. Date Revised/Accepted: 15 January 2010.
13. Anker, A. & D. Cox. 2011. A new species of the shrimp genus Lysmata Risso, 1816 (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Guam. Micronesica. 41(2): 197-214. Date Revised/Accepted: 26 March 2010.
14. Buden, D.W. 2011. The Odonata of Fais Island and Ulithi and Woleai Atolls, Yap State, Western Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia. Micronesica. 41(2): 215-222. Date Revised/Accepted: 03 May 2010.
15. Paulino, Y.C., R.T. Leon Guerrero & R. Novotny. 2011. Women in Guam consume more calories during feast days than during non-feast days. Micronesica. 41(2): 223-235. Date Revised/Accepted: 30 September 2010.
16. Brown, D.P. 2011. Marine gastropods of American Samoa. Micronesica. 41(2): 237-252. Date Revised/Accepted: 08 November 2010.
17. Pelep, P.O. & M.G. Hadfield. 2011. The status of the endemic snails of the genus Partula (Gastropoda: Partulidae) on Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.. Micronesica. 41(2): 253-262. Date Revised/Accepted: 23 December 2010.
18. Geddy, G.V.P. 2011. Survey of invasive plants on Guam and identification of the 20 most widespread. Micronesica. 41(2): 263-274. Date Revised/Accepted: 27 December 2010.