Volume 41
New and Noteworthy Plant Records from Palau: An Annotated Checklist
Costion, C.M.
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Costion 2009 |
1_costion_1-18.pdf (210.15 KB)
210.15 KB |
Lemon, pH and Citric Acid for Kelaguen Safety Without Temperature Control
Yang, J. & D. Lee.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Yang & Lee 2009 |
2_yang_kelaguen_19-31.pdf (781.46 KB)
781.46 KB |
Insects of Micronesia, Volume 14, no. 9: Diptera: Lauxaniidae
Sasakawa, M.
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Sasakawa 2009 |
3_sasakawa_im-laux_33-57.pdf (1.22 MB)
1.22 MB |
Species Richness and Other Noteworthy Observations at an Important Bird Area in Palau
Olsen, A.R. & M. Eberdong.
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Olsen & Eberdong 2009 |
4_olseneberdong_59-69.pdf (347.67 KB)
347.67 KB |
Studies on the biology, host specificity, and feeding behavior of Acythopeus cocciniae O’Brien and Pakaluk (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt (Cucurbitaceae) and Zehneria guamensis (Merrill) Fosberg (Cucurbitaceae)
Bamba, J.P., R.H. Miller, G.V.P. Reddy & R. Muniappan.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Bamba et al 2009 |
5_bamba_reduced.pdf (531.79 KB)
531.79 KB |
Cone insects and putative pollen vectors of the endangered cycad, Cycas micronesica
Terry, I., M. Roe, W. Tang & T.E. Marler.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Terry et al 2009 |
6_terry_et_al_cycad_83-99.pdf (2.81 MB)
2.81 MB |
Neoaiptasia morbilla new species (Cnidaria: Actiniaria), a sea anemone symbiont of sand-dwelling gastropods on Saipan, Mariana Islands, with comments on some other such associations
Fautin, D.G. & R.H. Goodwill.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Fautin et al 2009 |
7_fautin_reduced.pdf (510.04 KB)
510.04 KB |
A sea anemone symbiotic with gastropods of eight species in the Mariana Islands
Goodwill, R.H., D.G. Fautin, J. Furey & M. Daly.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Goodwill et al 2009 |
8_goodwill_symbiosis_117-130.pdf (496.49 KB)
496.49 KB |
Plant Endemism, Rarity, and Threat in Palau, Micronesia: A Geographical Checklist and Preliminary Red List Assessment
Costion, C.M., A.H. Kitalong & T. Holm.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Costion et al 2009 |
9_costion_plant_endemism_131-164.pdf (477.42 KB)
477.42 KB |
Wang, J.Y.
If the Taiwanese-registered vessel did not violate their FSM permit or break any local fishing laws, then at least part of the responsibility has to lie with the FSM government to pass legislation to better protect their resources. Attention to this matter is required and would empower the people of FSM to take responsibility and control of their own resources. Attention should also be placed on amendments to Taiwan’s Wildlife Conservation Act to eliminate loop-holes that presently exist and increase the consequences for Taiwanese citizens who violate this law anywhere in the world (the Wildlife Conservation Act does not appear to apply to Taiwanese citizens outside Taiwanese jurisdiction).
Finally, the ginkgo-toothed beaked whale reported in Dalebout et al. (2008) should not be taken as the first record of the species in Micronesian waters. Taiwanese vessels fish waters throughout the world. Because there are great consequences for killing marine mammals within certain territorial waters (e.g., US) and less to none in others (e.g., Federal States of Micronesia), there is an obvious incentive for captains to provide statements that would result in the least negative outcome and the least amount of information about other activities (e.g., possible trade) that are occurring at sea. Therefore, the actual origin of this whale has to be considered unknown and should not be considered a record for the waters of the FSM.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Wang 2009 |
10_wang_comments_165-166.pdf (66.49 KB)
66.49 KB |
Antioxidant capacity, total phenols, and ascorbic acid content of noni (Morinda citrifolia) fruits and leaves at various stages of maturity
Yang, J., R. Gadi & T. Thomson.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Yang et al 2011 |
11_yang_et_al_pp_167-176.pdf (244.91 KB)
244.91 KB |
A snapshot of agroforestry in Terminalia carolinensis wetlands in Kosrae, Federated States of Micronesia
Conroy, N.K., A. Fares, K.C. Ewel, T. Miura & H.M. Zaleski.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Conroy et al 2011 |
12_conroy_et_al_pp_177-195.pdf (396.69 KB)
396.69 KB |
A new species of the shrimp genus Lysmata Risso, 1816 (Crustacea, Decapoda) from Guam
Anker, A. & D. Cox.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Anker & Cox 2011 |
13_anker-cox_pp_197-214.pdf (508.7 KB)
508.7 KB |
The Odonata of Fais Island and Ulithi and Woleai Atolls, Yap State, Western Caroline Islands, Federated States of Micronesia
Buden, D.W.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Buden 2011 |
14_buden_pp_215-222.pdf (251.54 KB)
251.54 KB |
Women in Guam consume more calories during feast days than during non-feast days
Paulino, Y.C., R.T. Leon Guerrero & R. Novotny.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Paulino et al 2011 |
15_paulino_et_al_pp_223-235.pdf (260.68 KB)
260.68 KB |
Marine gastropods of American Samoa
Brown, D.P.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Brown 2011 |
16_brown_pp_237-252.pdf (314.23 KB)
314.23 KB |
The status of the endemic snails of the genus Partula (Gastropoda: Partulidae) on Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
Pelep, P.O. & M.G. Hadfield.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Pelep & Hadfield 2011 |
17_pelep-hadfield_pp_253-262.pdf (345.8 KB)
345.8 KB |
Survey of invasive plants on Guam and identification of the 20 most widespread
Geddy, G.V.P.
File Name | File Type (view/download) | File Size |
Geddy 2011 |
18_reddy_pp_263-274.pdf (450.1 KB)
450.1 KB |