Volume 43


1. Trianni, M.S. & M.C. Tenorio. 2012. Summary of recorded cetacean strandings in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Micronesica. 43(1): 1-13. Date Revised/Accepted: 16 September 2012.
2. Tsuda, R.T., J.R. Fisher & P.S. Vroom. 2012. Floristic Account of the Marine Benthic Algae from Jarvis Island and Kingman Reef, Line Islands, Central Pacific. Micronesica. 43(1): 14-50. Date Revised/Accepted: 02 June 2011.
3. Costion, C.M. & D.H. Lorence. 2012. The Endemic Plants of Micronesia: A Geographical Checklist and Commentary. Micronesica. 43(1): 51-100. Date Revised/Accepted: 09 July 2011.
4. Dabruzzi, T.F., M.L. Wygoda & W.A. Bennett. 2012. Some Like it Hot: Heat Tolerance of the Crab-Eating Frog, Fejervarya cancrivora. Micronesica. 43(1): 101-106. Date Revised/Accepted: 30 September 2011.
5. Reeves, W.K., C.M. Utter & L. Durden. 2012. Rickettsial pathogens and arthropod vectors of medical and veterinary significance on Kwajalein Atoll and Wake Island. Micronesica. 43(1): 107-113. Date Revised/Accepted: 28 September 2011.
6. Lobban, C.S. & M. Schefter. Blooms of a benthic ciliate, Maristentor dinoferus (Heterotrichida: Maristentoridae), on coral reefs of Guam, Mariana Islands. Micronesica. 43(1): 114-127. Date Revised/Accepted: 20 October 2011.
7. Lobban, C.S. 2012. Editorial: Micronesica moving to continuous publishing model. Micronesica. 43(2): 129-130. Date Revised/Accepted: 15 October 2011.
8. Heathcote, G.M., V.P. Diego, H. Ishida & V.J. Sava. 2012. An osteobiography of a remarkable protohistoric Chamorro man from Taga, Tinian. Micronesica. 43(2): 131-213. Date Revised/Accepted: 15 November 2011.
9. Ha, J.C., J.R. Buckley & R.R. Ha. 2012. The Potential for Typhoon Impact on Bird Populations on the Island of Rota, Northern Mariana Islands. Micronesica. 43(2): 214-224. Date Revised/Accepted: 06 March 2012.
10. Reeves, W.K, S. Wolf, R. Robago, T. Gutierrez, P. Nunn, J. Johnson & D. Vice. 2012. Invertebrate Vectors, Parasites, and Rickettsial Agents in Guam. Micronesica. 43(2): 225-236. Date Revised/Accepted: 03 May 2012.
11. Lobban, C.S., M. Schefter, R.W. Jordan, Y. Arai, A. Sasaki, E.C. Theriot, M. Ashworth, E.C. Ruck & C. Pennesi. 2012. Coral-reef diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from Guam: new records and preliminary checklist, with emphasis on epiphytic species from farmer-fish territories. Micronesica. 43(2): 237-479. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 2012.
12. Camacho, F.A. & A.M. Kerr. 2012. Obituary: C. Lynn Raulerson. Micronesica. 43(2): 481-485. Date Revised/Accepted: 26 December 2012.