Volume 43
Summary of recorded cetacean strandings in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Trianni, M.S. & M.C. Tenorio.
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Trianni & Tenorio 2012 |
1_trianni.tenorio_micronesica_431.pdf (278.96 KB)
278.96 KB |
Floristic Account of the Marine Benthic Algae from Jarvis Island and Kingman Reef, Line Islands, Central Pacific
Tsuda, R.T., J.R. Fisher & P.S. Vroom.
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Tsuda Et al 2012 |
2_tsuda.fisher.vroom_micronesica_431.pdf (365.49 KB)
365.49 KB |
The Endemic Plants of Micronesia: A Geographical Checklist and Commentary
Costion, C.M. & D.H. Lorence.
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Costion & Lorence 2012 |
3_costion.lorence_micronesica_431.pdf (323.55 KB)
323.55 KB |
Some Like it Hot: Heat Tolerance of the Crab-Eating Frog, Fejervarya cancrivora
Dabruzzi, T.F., M.L. Wygoda & W.A. Bennett.
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Dabruzzi et al 2012 |
95.61 KB |
Rickettsial pathogens and arthropod vectors of medical and veterinary significance on Kwajalein Atoll and Wake Island
Reeves, W.K., C.M. Utter & L. Durden.
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Reeves et al 2012 |
5_reeves.utter_.durden_micronesica_431.pdf (86.77 KB)
86.77 KB |
Blooms of a benthic ciliate, Maristentor dinoferus (Heterotrichida: Maristentoridae), on coral reefs of Guam, Mariana Islands
Lobban, C.S. & M. Schefter.
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Lobban & Schefter 2012 |
6_lobban.schefter_micronesica_431.pdf (651.27 KB)
651.27 KB |
Editorial: Micronesica moving to continuous publishing model
Lobban, C.S.
What does this mean for authors and readers? The following are the key changes:
Author, A. & B. Author. 2013. Article title. Micronesica 2013-01, 00 pp. http://micronesica.org/volumes/43.
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Lobban 2012 |
7_editorial_online_only_rev.pdf (53.93 KB)
53.93 KB |
An osteobiography of a remarkable protohistoric Chamorro man from Taga, Tinian
Heathcote, G.M., V.P. Diego, H. Ishida & V.J. Sava.
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Heathcote et al 2012 Low Resolution |
8_heathcote_screen.pdf (3.17 MB)
3.17 MB |
Heathcote et al 2012 High Resolution |
8_heathcote.pdf (13.43 MB)
13.43 MB |
The Potential for Typhoon Impact on Bird Populations on the Island of Rota, Northern Mariana Islands
Ha, J.C., J.R. Buckley & R.R. Ha.
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Ha et al 2012 |
9_micronesica_432_ha.pdf (739.59 KB)
739.59 KB |
Invertebrate Vectors, Parasites, and Rickettsial Agents in Guam
Reeves, W.K, S. Wolf, R. Robago, T. Gutierrez, P. Nunn, J. Johnson & D. Vice.
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Reeves et al 2012b |
10_micronesica_432_reeves.pdf (327.24 KB)
327.24 KB |
Coral-reef diatoms (Bacillariophyta) from Guam: new records and preliminary checklist, with emphasis on epiphytic species from farmer-fish territories
Lobban, C.S., M. Schefter, R.W. Jordan, Y. Arai, A. Sasaki, E.C. Theriot, M. Ashworth, E.C. Ruck & C. Pennesi.
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Lobban et al 2012 |
11_lobban_et_al.pdf (44.75 MB)
44.75 MB |
Lobban et al 2012 Errata |
12_lobban_et_al_2012_errata.pdf (78.7 KB)
78.7 KB |
Obituary: C. Lynn Raulerson
Camacho, F.A. & A.M. Kerr.
Few faculty at the University of Guam (UOG) have had such a prolonged and profound effect on their programs as Lynn. During the over forty years of her service to UOG, she advised the nearly 300 graduates from the biology program. Many of her students became teachers, doctors, lawyers, business people, research scientists, and, of course, university professors. Both of us have had the fortunate opportunity to know Lynn from both sides of the lectern. We are graduates of the undergraduate biology program at UOG and later, returned to join her as biology faculty colleagues at UOG.
Lynn Raulerson was born in Arcadia, Florida in 1937 and grew up in and around the Lake Okeechobee area. As a child, she had a strong inclination for biology. Once when she was but five years old, she kept a clutch of sea-turtle eggs under her bed until they hatched. She eventually released the hatchlings into the sea, but she was mortified when the sheriff visited her parents that night, fearing that she might be arrested and hauled off for her trans-species parenting. As the daughter of a military officer, she moved around a lot during World War II, finally settling in Georgia. She enrolled at Stephens College where she received an A.A. and then entered Emory University where she completed her Master’s studies in 1960. She then taught for several years at what would eventually become Samford University just outside of Birmingham, Alabama in the early 1960’s. However, she would soon enter the storied ecology program at the University of Georgia (then home of the famous ecologist Eugene Odum), where she received her Ph.D. in 1970, investigating respiration and nutrient cycling in freshwater oligochaete worms.
In 1971, she was hired by the University of Guam to both teach and train students and to assist with research on the crown-of-thorns starfish, then devastating Guam’s coral reefs. A self-described generalist, she found that the tropics offered an endless number of biological questions ripe for the asking. She was also involved with a number of organizations in the community, including work with the Guam Science Teachers Association, various horticultural and environmental groups, as well as numerous musical productions. By the 1980’s she had assumed the mantle of teaching the foundational introductory biology course for the undergraduate biology program and also took over as curator of the collections of UOG’s Guam Herbarium. With her long-time friend Agnes Rinehart, she also wrote two classic books: Trees and Shrubs of the Northern Mariana Islands and Ferns and Orchids of the Mariana Islands. She also founded the Herbarium’s report series University of Guam Herbarium Contributions, which recorded many of her botanical expeditions, often with students, around Guam and to other islands of the Marianas. Towards the time of her passing, she had also been working on a revision of Benjamin Stone’s classic Flora of Guam, first published as a volume in Micronesica in 1970.
-- Frank A. Camacho, Division of Natural Sciences, U. Guam and Alexander M. Kerr, UOG Marine Laboratory
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Camacho & Kerr 2012 |
13_raulerson_obituary.pdf (649.75 KB)
649.75 KB |