Volume 12


1. Stoddart, D.R. 1976. Continuity and Crisis in the Reef Community. Micronesica. 12 (1): 1-10. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
2. Tsuda, R.T. 1976. Role of Benthic Algae in the Coral Reef Ecosystem: Introductory Remarks. Micronesica. 12 (1): 11-12. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
3. Marsh, Jr. J.A. 1976. Energetic Role of Algae in Reef Ecosystems. Micronesica. 12 (1): 13-22. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
4. Wiebe, W.J. 1976. Nitrogen Cycle on a Coral Reef. Micronesica. 12 (1): 23-26. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
5. Littler, M.M. 1976. Calcification and its Role among the Macroalgae. Micronesica. 12 (1): 27-42. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
6. Dahl, A.L. 1976. Generation of Photosynthetic Surface Area by Coral Reef Algae. Micronesica. 12 (1): 43-48. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
7. Thorhaug, A. 1976. Tropical Macroalgae as Pollution Indicator Organisms. Micronesica. 12 (1): 49-66. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
8. Hadfield, M.G. 1976. Animal Associates on Coral Reefs: Introductory Remarks. Micronesica. 12 (1): 67-68. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
9. Newman, W.A., P.A. Jumars, & A. Ross. 1976. Diversity Trends in Coral-Inhabiting Barnacles (Cirripedia, Pyrgomatinae). Micronesica. 12 (1): 69-82. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
10. Bruce, A.J. 1976. Coral Reef Caridea and "Commensalism". Micronesica. 12 (1): 83-98. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
11. Castro, J.S. 1976. Brachyuran Crabs Symbiotic with Scleractinian Corals: A Review of their Biology. Micronesica. 12 (1): 99-110. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1975.
12. Clark, A.M. 1976. Tropical Epizoic Echinoderms and their Distribution. Micronesica. 12 (1): 111-118. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
13. Rice, M.E. 1976. Sipunculans Associated with Coral Communities. Micronesica. 12 (1): 119-132. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
14. Hadfield, M.G. 1976. Molluscs Associated with Living Tropical Corals. Micronesica. 12 (1): 133-148. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
15. Eldredge, L.G. 1976. The Need for Faunistic Information on Pacific Coral Reefs: Introductory Remarks. Micronesica. 12 (1): 149-150. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
16. Randall, R.H. 1976. Some Problems in Reef Coral Taxonomy. Micronesica. 12 (1): 151-156. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
17. Soule, D.F & J.D. Soule. 1976. The Status of Faunistic Information on Tropical Reef Bryozoans. Micronesica. 12 (1): 157-164. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
18. Fauchald, K. 1976. A Review of the Need for Work on Polychaete Systematics on Indo-Pacific Coral Reefs. Micronesica. 12 (1): 165-168. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
19. Barnard, J.L. 1976. Amphipoda (Crustacea) from the Indo-Pacific Tropics: A Review. Micronesica. 12 (1): 169-182. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
20. Haig, J. 1976. Decapod Crustacea of Pacific Coral Reefs. Micronesica. 12 (1): 183-186. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
21. Kay, E.A. 1976. The Status of Faunistic Studies of Pacific Coral Reef Mollusks: 1974. Micronesica. 12 (1): 187-192. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
22. Clark, A.M. 1976. Review of Present Status of Knowledge of Pacific Echinoderms. Micronesica. 12 (1): 193-196. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
23. Eldredge, L.G. 1976. lndo-Pacific Ascidian Studies. Micronesica. 12 (1): 197-198. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 June 1976.
24. Underwood, J.H. 1976. The Native Origins of the Neo-Chamorros of the Mariana Islands. Micronesica. 12 (2): 203-210. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
25. Klee, G.A. 1976. Traditional Time Reckoning and Resource Utilization. Micronesica. 12 (2): 211-246. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
26. Gordon, G.D., T. Masaki, & H. Akioka. 1976. Floristic and Distributional Account of the Common Crustose Coralline Algae on Guam. Micronesica. 12 (2): 247-278. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
27. Tsuda, R.T. 1976. Occurrence of the Genus Sargassum (Phaeophyta) on Two Pacific Atolls. Micronesica. 12 (2): 279-282. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
28. Muniappan, S. 1976. The Determination of Plant Communities Along a Complex Environmental Gradient at Hilaan Beach, Guam. Micronesica. 12 (2): 283-302. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
29. Gawel, M.J. 1976. Asterospicularia randalli: A New Species of Asterospiculariidae (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) from Guam. Micronesica. 12 (2): 303-308. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
30. Eldredge, L.G. 1976. Two New Species of Lithodid (Anomura, Paguridea, Lithodidae) Crabs from Guam. Micronesica. 12 (2): 309-316. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
31. Fosberg, F.R. 1976. Distributional Extensions of Marine Spermatophytes. Micronesica. 12 (2): 317-318. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
32. Birkeland, C. 1976. An Experimental Method of Studying Corals During Early Stages of Growth. Micronesica. 12 (2): 319-322. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
33. Kami, H.T. & I.I. Ikehara. 1976. Notes on the Annual Juvenile Siganid Harvest in Guam. Micronesica. 12 (2): 323-326. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
34. Kami, H.T. & R.J. Lujan. 1976. Records of the Dwarf Sperm Whale Kogia simus Owen from Guam. Micronesica. 12 (2): 327-332. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
35. King, B. 1976. Matsudaira's Storm-petrel, Oceanodroma matsudairae Kuroda, a new bird species for Micronesia. Micronesica. 12 (2): 333-334. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.
36. Birkeland, C. 1976. Wood, E.J.F & R.E. Johannes. Tropical Marine Pollution. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 12. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, New York. 192 p. Micronesica. 12 (2): 335-338. Date Revised/Accepted: 01 December 1976.